Cycling is my favorite way to get around, and in past years technology
has created all kinds of devices that can help make it more convenient.
There are countless smartphone apps
that help people plan their route or keep track of various things when
they ride. But safety is important, and anything that takes your eyes
off the road can be a problem. That's why this do-it-yourself project by
Matt Richardson is so cool: He used an inexpensive Raspberry Pi
credit-card-sized single-board computer to create a very special kind
of bike headlight that can dynamically project information on the road
in front of you while still illuminating your way and making you more visible to other road users.
prototype shows speed, but it could show almost anything that a rider
might find useful: Maps, or turn-by-turn directions from a GPS program
on a smartphone, or weather info, time to destination, distance
traveled, proximity warnings if a car is getting too close, etc.
Check out Richardson's video for all the details:
If you want more on how and why this was built, here is the sneak peek
video mentioned in the other video, it gives more details:
Granted, the concept of the dynamic headlight is not without faults
and it would have to be done right to avoid being one more distraction.
But if only minimalist data is projected in a sane way, I think it could
be useful to some cyclists.
Members of the B-Cycle bike-sharing program with an annual membership
will now be able to rent bikes in 15 U.S. cities thanks to the
'B-connected' initiative. This is an expansion of a pilot program that
started last Spring between Denver and Boulder in Colorado. Apparently
it was successful because the participating cities now are:
Denver, CO
Boulder, CO
Madison, WI
San Antonio, TX
Houston, TX
Spartanburg, SC
Charlotte, NC
Des Moines, IA
Kansas City, MO
Omaha, NE
Nashville, TN
Kailua, HI
Broward County, FL.
Fort Worth, TX (launching Spring)
Salt Lake City, UT (launching Spring)
The process for annual members to connect to visiting cities is simple:
your B-card and credit card that is linked to your annual membership to
another city that is part of the B-connected group.
On your
first visit to a station in that city, visit the kiosk and select “No”
on the screen which asks if you would like to purchase 24-hour Access.
Swipe your credit card associated with your account. Accept the user
agreement for that city’s system.
Voila! – You are ready to ride a B-cycle in that city!
All subsequent checkouts in that city can be done using your B-card at the dock, just as you do in your home city.
This process will need to be done the first time you visit a new B-connected city.
I love cool videos that are not only well done, but also help normalize cycling. Almost everybody has, at one time or another, been on a bicycle. It’s not about who rides what bike, how fast they ride it, or what they wear while riding. It’s about human powered transportation and the freedom and fun that comes from it. Ride on!
Commuters in a bike sharing scheme debuting in Bordeaux, France are going to get to try a spanking new hybrid between a bike and a scooter. French designer Philippe Starck and automaker Peugeot
teamed up to create the Pibal (French for "baby eel"), a retro-stylish,
aluminum-framed vehicle that allows users to ride it like a bike when
the going's easy, or to propel it by foot like a scooter when traffic's
heavy. Bordeaux's
residents were asked to submit ideas for a new kind of bike, in an
effort to increase bicycle use in local public transportation. Starck
and Peugeot synthesized these elements together to create the
crowd-sourced Pibal, which features yellow colouring for increased
visibility, and ample storage in its front and rear racks. Starck
explains on Dezeen that:
like the pibale, undulating and playing with the flow, Pibal is an
answer to new urban ergonomics, thanks to a lateral translation which
allows oneself to pedal long distances, to scoot in pedestrian areas and
to walk next to it, carrying a child or any load on its platform. It
only has the beauty of its intelligence, of its honesty, of its
durabiliity. Rustic and reliable, it's a new friend dedicated to the
future Bordeaux expectations.
[Pibal] is basically a scooter and a bike compacted into one though the
Bordelais (citizens of Bordeaux) are happy to have their very own
custom-created public bike and no longer need to feel snubbed by
metropolises like Paris and Copenhagen who got their own custom-created public bicycles a while ago.
Pibal does look a bit heavy, and its lack of a top bar probably means
the frame will flex a bit more, residents will get to test out the
prototype's durability and versatility when the program launches with
300 Pibals in its fleet -- all free to use -- in June of this year.
The email from the lawmaker, which was written to bike shop owner Dale Carson,
goes on to say that because bike riders have an "increased heart rate
and respiration," the act of riding a bike "results in greater emissions
of carbon dioxide from the rider."
"Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant,
bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride," Orcutt wrote in the
message, which Carson provided to The Huffington Post on Monday. Carson had originally written Orcutt an email arguing against a
proposed 5 percent bicycle tax on bikes that cost more than $500. He
said biking is good for the environment as part of his argument for why
bicycle riders save taxpayers money.
In his email response, Orcutt said a bike tax makes sense because
currently drivers are the ones paying for roads and for the bike lanes
on them. Cyclists, on the other hand, don't pay for roads because they
don't pay a gas tax "or any transportation tax," the email states.