The United Nations-sponsored Rio+20 meetings were reportedly a pretty
big letdown. In spite of the huge problems our planet and its
inhabitants face, we humans seem unable to move together collectively to
implement world-changing goals. Yet if there ever was an ambition
that had the power to make all nations' people happier, healthier, and
by extension, more prosperous, it is biking. Besides cutting carbon
dioxide and air pollutants, biking is just fun.
That's why Mati
Kalwell decided to try to proselytize biking to the whole, wide world.
The creator of the Buenos Aires culture and activism group
La Vida en Bici (Life on a Bike), Kalwell decided a big dream - bicycles for everyone - required a big goal. He christened his new group
and it's modus operandi is: "a collaboration platform to make bicycles
the most popular form of urban transportation on the planet."
considers that "most popular" just means that people ride bikes more
(51% of the time) than the use other forms of transport. The idea, launched at Rio+20, isn't easy to implement. Kalwell's main tools are art and culture. In Buenos Aires, a city without any real bike culture historically, La Vida en Bici works on making it cool to cycle. And it seems to be working.
As Kalwell told Caitlin Donohue in an
are on every politician’s radar now. In the last year we’ve seen
bicycle policy and infrastructure initiatives emerge in very diverse
cities such as Mendoza, Rosario, Posadas, and Córdoba –- as well as
growing attention paid to bicycles in Buenos Aires’ transportation
policy and infrastructure."
Bike activism, Kalwell says, must be as much about aesthetic as it is about actual infrastructure.
read a tweet recently from a TED conference saying that “in order to be
a successful advocate you need to act as an entertainer.” I think that
totally applies to our work. In order to get your message across, today
you are competing for people’s attention on an (almost) level playground
with huge brands that hire a lot of talent. TV is not the main form of
media anymore -- it’s social networks. For the first time in history,
our generation has the same chance to connect with people emotionally,
with catchy phrases and attractive visuals, as any major brand. This is
huge. And we need to make the best of it. So if we are ever going to
succeed in changing the game, whether it’s in transportation, climate
change, or intergenerational justice, we need to make change
Of course, Kalwell must know his goal
won't be easy, but his idea that culture is the key to making biking
cool (in additional to practical, and fun, which it already is) seems