Monday, August 6, 2012

Cool Website-Why Do You Ride?

Just a quick note to point out this cool website that a friend sent me. Why Do You Ride? focuses on profiling cyclists, showing that all kinds of people ride and that you don't have to be a stereotypical bike courier to ride, but that it's a way to get around that is accessible to almost everybody.
From the about page of Why Do You Ride?:
My name is Carrie and I’d love to find out Why Do You Ride?
I’m just a girl who’s simply trying to re-awaken the compassion in people whilst mitigating the destructive and competitive behavior brought on by social structures rather than human nature.
Inspired by Copenhagen Cycle Chic founder and Urban mobility expert Mikael Colville-Andersen, Project: Why Do You Ride? extends the concept of Copenhagen Cycle Chic by uncovering the person behind the bicycle. After all, cyclists are people too.
If you’d like to participate or be part of the discussion or show your support for the project please use the hashtag #whyiride in your tweets.

Check it out: Why Do You Ride?


  1. Cool website! Can't wait to check it out...
    I like their graphics as well.

  2. Thanks for sharing Ken! Would you like to partake?


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