
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Clif Bar 2 Mile Challenge

40% of all urban travel in the US happens within 2 miles, and 90% of that is by car. Fight climate change simply by riding your bike. I appreciate that long ago the automobile changed the way the world works; but like anything, it’s best in moderation.
Clif Bar has created a game to see how many car trips we could replace with a bike instead. Join the ride and take the 2 MILE CHALLENGE
Clif Bar is giving away $100,000! To highlight their commitment to bike advocacy and the fight against climate change, CLIF BAR is awarding a $25,000 grant to each of three nonprofit organizations (Alliance for Biking and Walking, Trips for Kids, and Ace Space) that are helping to lead the charge.
They’ve assigned each organization to a 2 Mile Challenge team: Red, Gold and Blue. All you have to do is register, pick your team and start pedaling your bike to earn points and move the goodness forward. The winning team will earn its nonprofit an additional $25,000 grant!

1 comment:

  1. The 2 mile challenge is really cool. It opened doors to places, read businesses, I did not even know existed near my home. is another "eye opener". I get a 52 or 56 out of 100, but bikeability is 100%. Both of these tools "forced" me to investigate my area in depth and I learned all the neat routes to everything.
