
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Become a Savvy Cyclist!

Monday night, July 12 from 6:00 to 9:00 at the Florida Safety Council for the classroom portion of Florida Bicycle Association’s 9-hour CyclingSavvy course.  This will be your last opportunity to take the course for free; in the future it will cost $30.  For details, go here:

Long-time cycling journalist John Schubert (Bicycling Magazine, Adventure Cyclist) wrote of CyclingSavvy:
“Before you nod off to sleep, take heed.  I am well aware of the bad rap education has received.  Visualize a middle-aged guy with a pot belly filling out his jersey spending way too much time explaining gearing to a bored audience before launching into that overly sincere “bicycles are vehicles” speech.  Now imagine the gearing lecture all gone and the speech replaced by interactive teaching methods that truly engage the students. … Experience has shown that it’s difficult to sell the concept of traffic cycling, but after seeing how Caffrey, Wilson, and the FBA succeeded in Key West, I dare say they have cracked the code.” (Link to article

Mighk Wilson
Smart Growth Planner
One Landmark Center 315 East Robinson Street Suite 355 Orlando, Florida 32801  
P: (407) 481-5672 Ext. 318
F: (407) 481-5680

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