
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Final Day of Bike to Work Week Tomorrow

Today has had ups and downs for me and my cycling world. Not only is tomorrow the last day of Bike to Work Week, but yesterday was the Ride of Silence in many cities around the country. I am pumped about the high numbers of riders that have participated in their Bike to Work Days and plan more tomorrow morning. Cities like DC had 8500 riders pre-registered yesterday for their ride tomorrow morning. Key Biscayne had over 3000 riders for their Ride of Silence.

It is a weird time to be excited about all of the people trying out commuting by bike, but then in the same week be thinking about all of the fallen riders that happen each year. Either way it is great to see that more and more people are becoming aware of cycling and are pushing for more advocacy and political will for bike infrastructure.

Today was also a tough day in the professional cycling world with Floyd Landis revealing that he was guilty in doping 4 years ago, and preceded to throw fellow teammates like Lance Armstrong, Leipheimer, etc, and even coach Bruyneel under the bus and accused them of doping well. I can't take the word of someone that denied allegations for four years and then finally gives in and squeals on everyone that he associated with at the time. Poor form.

On top of that Lance Armstrong fell and had to pull out of the Tour of California. Fortunately for him, he didn't break any bones and was just left bruised and bloody. He also looks like he and Team Radioshack is in decent form for the Tour de France. The other teams in the race and in the Giro D'talia also look pretty strong and makes predicting the team and individual winner for the Tour de France, impossible. July is going to be a fun month!

Finish Bike Month with a bang, and come out for many of the weekend rides and commute next week to work by bike. The weather is going to be great...Ride On!

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