
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Tomorrow is Orlando's Bike to Work Day, and a great way to celebrate, other than riding to work, is to help Florida get the HB 971 bill vetoed by the governor. Below is a letter from Laura Hallam, the Executive Director of the Florida Bicycle Association.  FBA has prepared a letter to Governor Crist and representatives of FBA (Laura Hallam, Mighk Wilson and Mike Lasche) will meet with the Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff before the bill is presented to the Governor.

The time is now for each of us to leap into action in support of the veto – the Governor needs to hear that passage of this bill will make conditions for cycling dangerous.  Please take the time to consider composing a letter as FBA has set forth below.  E-mail is good, a real paper letter is better.  If you have time to call the Governor’s number and tell him that you’re a cyclist and that mandatory use of bike lanes can place you at risk, all the better.

FBA needs your help to continue efforts to veto HB 971.  A letter was sent to Governor Crist May 17 signed by FBA Board president David Henderson.  FBA representatives will be meeting with Chuck Drago, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Governor, later this week to provide supporting arguments and local examples of why HB 971 is unsafe for bicyclists and pedestrians.

We are also encouraging bike clubs and advocacy organizations to follow suit with their support of the veto and have contacted these organizations directly. Thank you, individually and through your club or advocacy organization, for the many phone calls, emails, letters and faxes already generated to stop this bill. Please keep up the momentum.
Call, email, write or fax Governor Crist today with this message:

"Please veto House Bill 971. The mandatory use of bicycle lanes poses a number of significant safety and legal problems for cyclists.  Allowing motorized vehicles on sidewalks sets a bad precedent.  Vehicles belong on roadways, not on sidewalks.  HB 971 will make the law and its enforcement more complicated, not less, and will make cycling less safe and enjoyable."

The Honorable Charlie Crist
Governor of Florida
The Capitol, Suite PL05
400 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee FL  32399

fax: 850-487-0801; phone: 850-488-7146; email:

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