
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Livin In The Bike Lane Is Catching On

I found out this week that several prominent blogs and websites have stumbled upon LivinInTheBikeLane, and are helping to spread the good word about what we are trying to do here in Orlando about cycling.

Of course CommuteOrlando picked me up a few weeks ago and I have been fortunate enough to share some of my blog posts with them. Check out Keri's latest post that contains a quick video that illustrates proper road riding in traffic. It is really compelling and shows how to not only be an assertive rider, but also demonstrates how traffic responds to cyclists and will give the rider their appropriate space on the road.

Since my blog about my No Excuse Zone-Orlando project, the Tulsa Alternative Transportation ExaminerBikingInLA, and Streetsblog all found the post and shared it with their followers. Check out the screen shots below to see the mentioning of the blog.

I am really excited about getting on the road this weekend and surveying some streets for this project. Look for an update on the progress of the No Excuse Zone-Orlando next week and I'll keep you posted as I hear of more sites sharing and spreading the love of LivinInTheBikeLane!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just found your site. It's always great to come across sites by people with a passion for cycling and I'm happy to have found you. I'll keep you on my radar and check in for future stories and successes.
